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Robert Edward Dean
Mary Ethel Duff
Isabella Fernandez
Cabell Eugene Goff
Eloise Wallace Hickel
Denver Ray Johnson
Fred Delmer Lang
Samuel Newton Leach
Robert Edward Mayne
Catherine Afton Noland
Joseph Franklin Riesu, Jr.
Geneva Helen Saunders
Eula Geraldine Small
Carmel Wyatt Smith
Clyde Herman Smith
Eleanor Kathleen Smith
Adam Lee Ailstock
Ezra Bailey
Nicklas Bartell
William Boyks
William Cain
Lillian Lucille Caldwell
Forrest Amos DeMoss
Nettie Mae Dunbar
Aurelio Lola Fernandez
Hilton Fitzpatrick
Shirley Don Graham
George Hall
Garland House
Peggy Maxine Hilghman
Florence Virginia James
Don Jorrell
Edith Violette Lewis
Woodrow Mahon
Russell Walter Norman
Orase Pack
Gladys Lee O’Farrell
William Jack Ringer
Rhoda Virginia Starcher
Ruth Summers
Paul Weiner
Robert White
Anna Mary Andinora
Thomas Ballard
Eleanor Beth Boice
Harry Cook
Enid Cunningham
Lorrine Louise Goss
Malcolm Grabill
Helen Hays
Mary Ann Huggart
James Jarrett
Emma Beatrice Lynch
William McLaughlin
Frances Rose Mrockowski
Audrey Murphy
William Murry McGlaughlin
Patricia Clea McIntosh
Williard Worth McVey
Helen Louise Poling
Earl Russell
Lucy Spears
Janet Stewart
Virginia Tarleton
Viola Frances Treadway
Calvin Walker Wills
Nancy Gerladine Wharton
Jack Bragg
Martha Elizabeth Carper
Richard Lee Crigler
Emerson Lee Hodge
William Curtis Johnson
Annabell Pack
Georgia May Pruitt
John Norbert Schmitt
James Gordon Stewart
Anna Frances Tate
Charles Sotiras Venetis
Ren Fuller
Mary Dallas Herrold
Thurmon L. Johnson
Bobby Jack Long
Anna Belle McClung
Charles Franklin Nutter
Amos Pennington
Mary Ruby Pennington
Mary Elizabeth Pittman
Mayonna Smith
Walter Ailstock
Kenneth Brockell
Bernice Henrichs
Anna Lee Shaffer
Hillis Smith
Joan Smith
Ramona Burgess
William Curry
Regina Hacker
Violet Kittle
Arbelle McCallister
Mary Frances Baker
Nancy Ann Boice
Vasilios James Bongalis
Clifford Paul Bruffey
Bettie Lee Cox
Faye Faye Cox
Marvin Ross Durbin
Flossie Lucille Helmick
Wanda Mae Hensley
Bessie May Simmons
Betty Lou Teets
Margaret June Wolfe
Bernice Ellowine Adams
Herbert Lee Hibbs
Persis Maxine Jackson
Clara Burnice Mustoe
Genevieve Beulah Russell
Kathleen Faye Sigmon
Marjorie Meredith Williams
Dorothy R. Angalich
Wilbur R. Asbury
Clyde Q. Browning
Mildred A. Campbell
Hursey C. Hall
Bessie M. Helmick
Hurchell C. Ingram
Joe W. James
Marjorie A. Johnson
Ida R. Jackson
Dale E. Kesling
Joseph J. Krajnak
Donald R. Lawson
Ruby G. Lease
Evelyn V. Martin
Norma F. McCarty
Wilda L. Pennington
James A. Pyles
Joe G. Sowards
Frank Vandetta
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